Since the beginning, the development of a Botanic Park in St. Albert included preserving plant material that was already part of the history of the property. As you enter the Park through the main entrance, there are large spruce straight ahead. These once protected the garden and ‘little house’ that was the home of the hired hand on the farm.  To the west, past the Cottage Garden are trees planted for shelter around the home of the Atkinson family who farmed the land in the early 1900’s.

Installation of a fence around the entire Park was one of the first projects of early volunteers. Although not a popular decision with nearby residents, a fence helped keep the beavers out and our plant material safe.  Planting of the exterior of the fence line with 26 varieties of shrubs and trees was done to soften the look of the chain link fence.  A total of 1,800 plants including Chokecherries, Clematis, High Bush Cranberry, Roses, Sea Buckthorn and Saskatoons have been planted with many providing interest and seasonal colour throughout the year.

Our fenceline currently has almost 40 different varieties of assorted shrubs, trees and vines.  Our team of volunteers is kept very busy maintaining these plants as the square footage of space occupied probably makes this the largest ‘display garden’ in the Park.